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Wonderful, just because you and I are traveling

Hebei Rui Feng Cemented Carbide Co., LTD. Company Annual Meeting
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The golden pigs ushered in the spring, and the time flies, and in a blink of an eye, they have reached a new year. Looking back on 2018, under the unity and cooperation of all employees, in accordance with the work ideas, goals and tasks of all levels of organizations, based on their own duties, diligent efforts, hard work, and actively carry out the work, and better completed the tasks assigned.

2018 is a meaningful, valuable, and rewarding year. In order to alleviate the pressure on employees and enhance the cohesiveness of the group, the company has established the “Excellent Employee Award” in order to encourage employees to work hard.

The company specializes in the Spring Festival series on January 28, 2019. Activities are building blocks, string lanterns, you draw me guess, cola seeds, finger nose games, brain teasers. All employees actively participated and united to fully enjoy the joy brought by the game. Civilization construction, enriching the lives of employees, and improving the cohesiveness and centripetal force of all employees of the company.

The whole event was full of enthusiasm and climax, reflecting the team's cohesiveness and good cooperation spirit among colleagues, and enhanced corporate culture. Later, it was an exciting annual event, a lottery, a golden egg and other exciting links. The atmosphere of the whole annual meeting was full of joy and the game was wonderful. The stage on the stage became a sea of joy. The applause, the good voice, and the laughter in the annual meeting are endless. The lottery session in the annual meeting also pushed the atmosphere of the annual meeting to a climax. In the end, the company’s leaders made important speeches and gave the people an affirmative and generous speech on the achievements made in the past year.

After the annual meeting, all members of the company returned to their warm home with a happy and satisfying mood. The whole annual meeting was a complete success. In the various games of the annual meeting, during the game, everyone realized that although the members are composed of different regions and different departments, now we are a group, each of us is a member. It is a member of the big family of the company. We must unite and work together. "There is no longer road than the foot, there is no mountain higher than people." We have reason to believe that as long as we pay, as long as we work hard, one day, each of us will achieve the results we deserve.